The purpose of this area of our website is to provide you with a resource for finding additional information and products that will help you live a healthier life. We describe the types of products we recommend and when we have experience with a favorite recommended brand or company, we share that with you. For your convenience you can learn more about these products here and when possible, you can purchase them at our office.
Use this as your personal wellness product guide. If you have a favorite product that is not listed here, please let us know. We always do our best to stay current with the latest and greatest wellness products on the market. The products are organized by which aspect of your health they help to support. We recommend you consult with us or a specialist to determine which of the following products best fit your needs and support your wellness goals. In addition to our expertise and service, we keep these products in stock at our wellness centers for your convenience.
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Restoring the natural curves of your spine helps to maintain proper nutrition to your discs, which improves posture and range of motion.
Depending on your age and the condition of your spine, your wellness doctor may recommend you use tools to help reduce spinal degeneration due to long-term spinal misalignment. Devices such as a Posture Pump, Cervical Rolls, Spinal Fulcrums, Spinal Traction and The Posture Right by Neck Orthotic can help reduce spinal decay and in many cases actual increase the health of your spine by helping to restore the natural curves of your spine. Restoring the natural curves of your spine helps to maintain proper nutrition to your discs improving your posture and range of motion. People regularly report that these types of tools help them to reduce pain and increase mobility.
Experts suggest that proper alignment of the spine helps to reduce the rate of spinal degeneration, which can have a variety of overall positive health benefits. In addition, we have all seen what people look like whose posture worsens with aging, and there is little that can be done to improve posture once decades of damage and neglect have set in. If you are concerned that you don't want to look all hunched over when you are older, now is the time to begin to care for your spine starting by checking out these articles.
A Good Mattress

Most people spend approximately one-third of their entire life lying in bed. The quality of your mattress can make a huge difference between waking up feeling refreshed and waking up in pain. In fact, old worn-out mattresses are an extremely common contributor to chronic back and neck pain. Good health...
Cervical Pillow

There are a variety of different types of pillows that are made of different grades of foam and have custom curves designed into them to support your neck. If you are like most people, you sleep on your pillow for six to nine hours every night. Shouldn't you sleep on something that will help you maintain...

It is critical to evaluate the proper set up of your work environment because it is often the cause of most stress injuries, such as carpal tunnel in your wrist.
Because many people spend almost half of all of their waking hours sitting at a desk, it is important that your chair, desk and other equipment help your body maintain good posture and alignment. A healthy work station involves being aware of your seating, keyboard and mouse, computer monitor position and glare, telephone position, feet position, lighting and proper positioning of your work. It is critical to evaluate the proper set up of your work environment because it is often the cause of most repetitive stress injuries.
Things like improper chair position, cradling the phone between your ear and shoulder, or straining your neck to look at your computer monitor is not a big deal every once in a while, but when you do the same repetitive motions for several hours a day, several days a week, several weeks a month and so on, you will find that your body eventually has to give and in many cases will suffer pain, discomfort, poor posture and spinal disc damage. Unfortunately, most people don't correlate these problems to their day-to-day activity because they think it has to be caused by a specific traumatic event. That's just not the case. Check out these articles on what you need to know about proper set up of your work environment.
Desk Chair

The basics of a healthy ergonomic workstation include a bio-mechanically correct chair to sit in. It is best if it's adjustable to support your unique height and curves. Humanscale offers a variety of seating options designed to keep you healthy and well while you are working. These products are an investment...

If you talk on the phone regularly and for long periods of time, a headset is a great tool to prevent headaches, stiff necks and sore shoulders. If you really want a new and healthy experience, invest in a cordless headset. Being able to stand up, walk around and use your hands while talking on the phone...
Keyboard & Mouse Pads

Many computer keyboards now include wrist pads as standard accessories. There are, however, ways to upgrade and enjoy the benefits of a liquid filled or foam pad designed to comfortably support your wrists while typing and using your mouse. If you are using a computer regularly, these are worth the investment...
Lumbar Support

A support for your low back is essential to have in the chairs in which you will spend most of your time. Most furniture companies do not manufacture chairs that are actually healthy for you. Often they are hard rather than offering a cushioned seat, and the position of your spine is often very poor...
Monitor Arm

First it was great when computer monitors went from taking up so much desk space to the new flat panels but they are still on the desk taking up space and don't have too many ways to adjust their position to best fit a person's work station. Humanscale, a leader in ergonomic office furniture, offers...

Home exercise equipment can be a huge benefit when it comes to a crowded schedule that leaves little room for fitness.
In today's busy world, finding time to exercise can be a real challenge. Home exercise equipment can be a huge benefit when it comes to a crowded schedule that leaves little room for fitness. Consider exercising while watching television or as a warm-up before leaving for work in the mornings. Without the hassle of going to the gym, adding exercise to your daily routine at home may make getting in shape a lot easier.
Here, you'll find useful information about exercise equipment, from buying advice to maintenance to what types of equipment are best for you. There is a tremendous variety of equipment on the market designed to help you exercise more effectively, and we have collected some of our favorites in these articles.

A great way to both work on strengthening the core muscles that wrap around your waist and support your spine and improve your balance and coordination is with a new workout tool called a BOSU which stands for "both sides up." On one side it is a half of a balance ball on the other side it is a flat...
Core Trainer

The Core Trainer is an innovative, effective piece of exercise equipment from Panasonic that allows you to sit down and perform low impact exercises that help lead to high impact results. This is made possible by innovative counter-balance exercise technology, which constantly moves you off your center...
Foam Roll

A foam roll is exactly what it sounds like a long roll made of foam which can be used to help with balance and coordination exercise, to help you stretch your muscles and to "roll out" the stress and tension in your muscles in order to release the lactic acid that builds up in muscles and causes pain....
Personal Trainer

Another great way to get results is to make sure you are getting expert advice and supervision. A personal trainer is a great way to ensure that you are exercising safely and effectively to accomplish your goal. All exercise is not the same; some people want to build more muscle mass, some people want...
Power Plate
The Power Plate's Advanced Vibration Technology is the most innovative health and fitness tool in the industry today. Backed by over 40 years of scientific research, vibration training enables you to achieve a higher level of fitness faster than traditional methods. The Power Plate produces a vibration...
Resistance Bands/Weights

In order to keep your muscles strong, you must stress them by resistance training. Dumbbell weights or resistance bands are great ways to strengthen your muscles. Resistance bands are great because they are easy to travel with. Take them on your next business trip and you won't miss a workout wherever...
Videos, Books, & Internet

With today's technology there really is no good excuse not to stretch and exercise properly. You can check out exercise videos for free at the local library, rent them from video stores or access free information online. You can even purchase exercise, yoga and pilates programs to download onto your...
Wrist Metabolism Monitor

If you are a gadget junkie, a professional athlete or just like to have the most advanced new technology, you'll want the Suunto t6. It is a wristwatch that calculates your heart rate, energy consumption, ventilation, oxygen consumption (VO2), respiratory rate, Training Effect and EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise...

Organic produce that is fresh and local reduces your risk of cancer and other diseases related to toxins used in the agricultural industry.
One easy change to make as you improve your eating habits is to buy organic food. It is important to purchase organic produce that is fresh and local, and meat that is free of antibiotics and hormones. Reducing the amount of pesticides and other chemicals in your diet reduces your risk of cancer and other diseases related to toxins used in the agricultural industry. In addition, the water used to produce organic food is cleaner, the soil is healthier, and the animals are usually raised more humanely.
In addition to how your food is produced, another important change is a balanced diet that includes a variety of vitamins, minerals, fiber and nutrients.
Check out the following articles or contact us for more nutrition tips.

Every person should cleanse the system of toxins and let the digestive tract rest at least once each year. Cleansing is one of the most direct and effective ways to improve your overall health quickly. Free radicals and toxins can build up in your body over time and may cause fatigue, poor immune function,...
Essential Fatty Acids

One component of nutrition that deserves significant attention is essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs cannot be produced by the body and therefore must come from the food we eat. They are the main structural components of our cell membranes, and keep our cell walls healthy by allowing nutrients to flow...

Dietary essentials for wellness include getting the five to ten servings of vegetables and fruits per day that will provide you with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals necessary for optimum functioning at the cellular level. To help you achieve this goal, we suggest a whole food phytonutrient...

Protein is another nutritional foundation essential to building and maintaining muscle during every stage of life. Protein provides a number of benefits in the areas of weight management, immune support, and bone health. As you know it is always best to nourish your body with natural organic foods, but...
Vitamins & Supplements

Unless you live on an organic farm, most experts agree that we should take a daily supplement in order to ensure that our bodies are receiving the nutrients necessary to promote our optimum health. Multi-vitamin supplements help your body stay nourished to keep healthy and strong. One of my favorite...

Continually wearing the wrong items, such as a heavy backpack or bag on one shoulder, can cause injury to your health.
You probably wouldn't connect getting ill with what you wear, but perhaps you should. When it comes to being healthy, you probably don't give your clothes or accessories a second thought. The reality is that what you wear or carry could play a crucial role in your health, even making you ill if you continually wear the wrong items, such as a heavy backpack or bag. Clothing fit is also an important consideration for health. Clothes or accessories that are too tight can constrict blood flow, reduce your range of motion and cause discomfort.
From your head to your toes, what you put on your body on a daily basis needs to be considered for total wellness. Below are some of our recommendations for back saving wear.
A Back Saver Wallet

Most men carry a wallet in their back pockets and in many cases it can be over a half an inch thick. Sitting on a half inch wedge for hours at a time over a period of years is one of the most overlooked causes of spinal misalignments and spinal pain including back pain, neck pain and even headaches....
A Healthy Backpack

Another important wellness essential product is an ergonomically designed backpack. It is amazing how we can put thousands of pages of data onto a microchip smaller than the eye can see, yet kids are carrying backpacks that are heavier than ever filled with text books. Many schools are taking away kid's....
Buy Good Shoes

Most people spend close to two-thirds of their life in shoes, so wearing shoes that fit well is very important. Our feet endure tremendous pressures daily. For example, an average day of walking brings a force equal to several hundred tons on your feet. Feet are subject to more injury than any other...

Your feet are the base that your body stands on. If your feet are weak or have structural problems, this can lead to problems in your knees, hips and low back, and can even cause headaches. Many people wear orthotics because they are good for their feet, but orthotics are even more important for those...